Brain Tree Help
Here are some tips that can save you a lot of moneyfor brain tree quests. First of all to get the answer you must go to the Esophagor and complete 2 quests from him to get the place and time that the person you have died. I know a trick that might save you some time. On you complete the esophogar's first quest you get the year. Before you do the second go to the Brain Tree and type in the year and try to guess the place of death - Below are most of the posibilties - I have ahd a few of these places of death mutipuly times - this is definetly worth a try! Here are the ones I have gotten so far - please neomail me any new ones you get:
The Haunted Graveyard
Mystery Island
Umbuku Island
Upper Neopia
Faerie Woods
The Marketplace
Lightning Swamp
Skull Rock
Neopia City
The Haunted Graveyard
The Haunted Woods
The Great Cliffs
Tug-O-War Passwords
Poogle Solitare Answers
The beat it make your 29-17; 22-24; 17-29; 32-24; 31-23; 24-22; 26-24; 33-25; 24-26; 21-23;16-28; 14-16; 9-23; 28-16; 7-9; 27-25; 18-30; 20-18; 11-25; 30-18; 13-11; 10-12; 3-11; 18-6; 1-3; 3-11; 12-10; 5-17; 17-15; 4-16; 15-16
Dice a Roo
Click to play on the second screen where you click to play for 5nps click then hold the return button for 2mins. you will waste money but you will get lots of items.