How to Get a Krawk
Please note you can't have 4 pets to obtain a Krawk. You need to give one of your pets a Krawk petpet and name it the name you want your Krawk to be. The petpet's are unbuyable, so try to find out in trades or auctions. The pet you give your petpet to must be the active pet. Then take your pet to the fungus cave and either it will just turn into a krawk or you might have the potion to feed it fungus. I'm not sure, I don't actually have a Krawk, but that is how to get one ;) You may also win the petpet from the wheel of excitement and mediocrity, but chances are slight.
Battledome Tip
Exploding Pizza Pasty cost about 500 NP and does like 30 or more points of damage. Great investment to fight with.
When you go to the Shop Wizard and type the item in press "Search Shops." When the list appears Refresh twice to get the cheapest items.