For the CheeseRoller Game you have to type in the name of the cheese you are going to roll. The more expensive the cheese the better the payout is. Problem is that the game seems completly random.
Here are all the cheeses and their costs.
Spicy Juppie Cheese- 150np Smoked Snorkle Cheese- 300np Triple Mustard Cheese- 400np Honey Cheese- 600np Big Beefy Cheese- 750np Purple Spotted Cheese- 900np Brain Cheese- 1,050np Alkenore Cheese- 1,200np Mutated Cheese- 1,350np Bubbling Blueberry Cheese- 1,500np Tyrannian Dung Cheese- 1,650np Quadruple Fudge Cheese- 1,800np