1. Your pet is born!!!!  Don't get to attached to your pets species because during the training process it will change quite a lot. 2. There are two places u can train your pet. Swashbuckling Academy  Its cheaper but takes longer.
Course Type |
Neopet Level |
Cost |
Length |
Sea Urchin |
10 and under |
 1 Dubloon |
4 hours |
Deckhand |
11-20 |
 2 Dubloons |
6 hours |
Pirate |
21-30 |
 5 Dubloons |
8 hours |
Cap'n |
31-40 |
 5 Dubloons |
10 hours |
And Mystery Island Training School . It cost more but is much faster.
Course Type |
Neopet Level |
Cost |
Length |
Basic |
20 and Under |
1 codestone |
2 hours |
Advanced |
21-40 |
2 codestones |
3 hours |
Master |
41-80 |
3 codestones |
4 hours |
Grand Master |
81+ |
4 codestones |
6 hours |
3. The lab is a good way to get stats, but beware!!! You must first collect all the pieces to make a full lap map. The first time you do this you will get a prize and gain access to the lab. Once there you pick one of your pets and zap away. You can do this over and over but only once a day. A warning if you love the color or species of your pet I suggest you not do this, cause the lab can change both of those. It can also change the sex of your pet!!! But other than that you can gain strength, defence, movement, level, and hit points!!! On a very very rare occasion got a robot pet!!
4. There is also Coltzan's Shrine, which increases your pets stats. The Wheel of Excitement!, which can increase one of your pet's abilities. The Wheel of Mediocrity, which can also increase one of your pets abilites. How does my pet get ablities you ask? well...read 5.
5. How to get your pet ablities? Just feed it faeries!!! However you don't want to just get any ablity. The first must have is heal, so look at the faerie chart to see how to get it. Before you get your next ablity you might want to bring up the level of this ability. You can do this by feeding your pet a radioactive negg (expensive) or from the wheel of excitement in faerie land.
6. Feeding your pet neggs. It cost a lot and should be done when your pet's level is really high and your really rich!! But you could aways make your own negg...(negg making page soon to come.
7. Scratch cards are a fun and great way to get your pet a level, but only some of the scratch cards work.
8. Kitchen quests also increase your pet stats. You can do a total of 10 per day, but they can get costly.