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Word First

_____ 4000; Makes your pet a slippery target: grundox

_____ -A-Victim: phone

_____ - Force 5000; Reinforced steel helmet: Proto

_____ Battle 2000; Space Arena Battledome League: grundo

_____ Bingo: chia

_____ Blaster: goo

_____ Boomarang; if used too much it will shatter: crystal

_____ Buzz; star of jelly processing plant: foreman

_____ Cabbage; fresh from the patch: green

_____ Catacombs: ancient

_____ Catcher; Lodger: tiger

_____ Catcher; finished second in Sacrificers: tiger

_____ Canyon; Guild Neighbourhood: coral

_____ Chicken: Tangy poultry dish makes pets happy: orange

_____ Chocomato: Regular wild

_____ Classics; Book: kougra

_____ Cream cookie: negg

_____ Croissant: breakfast

_____ Dagger;mined from the depths of the ice caves: ice

_____ Doll: baby

_____ Dread: dom

_____ Enter the Chia; Whaa!: brucechia

_____ Extra; stone dome battledome league: eyrie

_____ Eyeballs: pickled

_____ Elixir heals your pet 15 hit points: puce

_____ Fever Paintbrush: disco

_____ Flowers easter negg; features floral designs: spring

_____ Gauntlet; Formidable weapon: grarrl

_____ Grenade; crack your foes up, then get away: laugh

_____ Gummy Rat: almost

_____ Headquarters: guild

_____ Heart seal: lion

_____ Ice Cream; Gross: mustard

_____ in a box: tent

_____ Indiana; Video: eyrie

_____ Jelly beans; good for energy before a battle: ergyfruit

_____ Little; Video: scorch

_____ Lupe League; Battledome League: lone

_____ Lupes; Book:loyal

_____ Meatballs; vegetarian treat goes w/ pasta : meatless

_____ Mints; so strong, you might lose a tooth: zoba

_____ Muncher; this is one greedy little plant: negg

_____ Murdoch; founder of lupe consolidated: lupert

_____ O Lara; Ski Lodge star of "My Fair Poogle": scarlet

_____ of korbat; too leathery for some tastes: wing

_____ of Eyeballs: jar

_____ of Flamebolt: wand

_____ of Ham: joint

_____ of Hot Borovan: cup

_____ Pack; Fires a beam of darkness: bat

_____ Pango; Retrieved a Volcano Crystal: tshimba

_____ Pool: rainbow

_____ Pop; frozen treat: chia

_____ Pot pie: meaty

_____ Sausage: veggie

_____ Shield; very effective against fire weapons: ice

_____ Shrimp; a real treat for seafood connosieurs: minty

_____ Slush; includes gooseberries & ganboplant: holiday

_____ Solitaire: poogle

_____ Spotlight: pet

_____ Seed; mean plant keeps bugs under control: bad

_____ Starfish; baby Kois love this Aquatic Food: lime

_____ Supplement: iron

_____ Surprise: pizapple

_____ Tea (very relaxing): mint

_____ Teeth; frightful gnashers will terrify foes: fake

_____ Visor: seek

_____ Widow: black

_____ Wish Stick: cherry


A big rasher of _____ bacon: danish

A clammy surprise for your neopet: clamchops

A deck of these is great for passing time: cards

A depressed mushroom that nobody likes: ugly

A frozen drink: slushie

A great tool for planting bulbs: awl

A hot plant: firebush

A little devil for your pet: redtail

A Medicinal Mud Bath cures that disease : lumps

A mysterious and succulent fruit: scabu

A Neopian delicacy: negg

A pinching robot PetPet: pinceron

A special token: neocoin

A sweet and meaty sandwich: bunwich

A very giving tree: money tree

Afraid of the dark? Read this book: nightofday

Air ability that allows you to move faster: haste

Air Faerie's book : Breathe

Aisha Battledome Ability: pounce

Aka Donna: poptart

Alien Aisha Vending Machines only take _____.: nerkmids

All the fashion tips you in this book: neofashion

All your Neopet _____ belong to us: are

All your pets are belong to this shopkeeper: cats

Alter your pet with one of these potions: morphing

An "Eggy" Underwater delicacy: yolkbeans

An Italian apple treat: Pizapple

An uplifting mushroom: levelup

Apple _____ pop: chia

Aquatic Pet capable of juggling 28 balls at a time: legs

Aquatic PetPet; receives radio transmissions: auntie

Archery savvy Korbat - asphodelia

At 5np a day neolodge bars serve these not drinks: burgers

Ate fortune cookies; now gives advice: mystic

Auction _____: genie

Auction Genie motto: making your wishes come _____: true


Baby pig PetPet: snorkle

Baby Vampire PetPet; Bat_____: boy

Bacon, lettuce, tomato: blt

Barrier of compressed air; stops Earth attacks: inertia

Bat _____; fires beams of darkness at opponents: pack

Bash your opponent on the head with this: basher

Battle Faerie's trusty steed: legacy

Battle healing mote: nova

Battle league; _____ battle 4000: buzz

Battledome Item; neutralizes Attack Forks: bentfork

Battledome item with magic of genie trapped inside: genieorb

Battledome league; _____ Eaters Anonymous: negg

Battledome league; battle to the ____ league: death

Battledome league; Deep _____ Divers League: sea

Battledome league location; stonedome

Beastly 10-pound melon: plantmelon

Belle of the ball; Ski Lodger: bubbles

Bellhop at the presidential palace: elbrit

Big hearted faerie pet-pet: pikis

Birthplace of Cupcake: KikoLake

Black _____ Cannon: frost

Blame your pets insanity on this carrot: rainbow

Blast the evil fuzzles with this grundo: zygorax

Blinding ability: flash

Blumaroo Battledome Ability: dodge

Bobs _____ Bonus Bingo: big

Boil, fry, or bake this steak: porksteak

Book; Chia Don't _____: cry

Book with the secret of leaving Neopian Central: timetravel

Book with only two pages; what a rip off: exercise

Bounces on its tail: blumaroo

Brand of Neo Baby Food: gagagrub

Bruce Battledome Ability: slide


Cabbage tasting plant: glant

Can be cured with Mystical Fungus: NeoWarts

Candy; flavors include Lemon, Orange & Assorted: neodrops

Carassa's garage sale partner: mika

Cheating Kyrii: capara

Cheat advice giving petpet: pinklet

Cheese and _____ Burger; cheesy,: on a bun, & gross eel

Cheesy chips: nachos

Chewy meat for teething pets: meatstars

Chia _____; gives wearer strength of Tapatlakettle: belt

Chia stuck in Ice Cream Blitz: adee

Chia with an extensive collection of kilts: highland

Chicken _____: kiev

Chief coconut: mumbopango

Chuffer _____; cheat contestant who loves to eat: bob

Coco _____ slush; a favourite of mynis: whip

Collect pieces of these for a secret location: map

Company founded by David Fuzio and JubJub Yang: yippee

Company slogan; for our power is your power: nakron

Coral _____; only for use by water creatures: orb

Contents of this jug: Liquid Fire: firejug

Cover star of How To Stay Fit: lenny

Creates a bubble of slow time; Temporal _____: leak

Crystal _____; it will knock your teeth out: crunch

Crystal _____ Soda; less calories, better taste: one

Curable with Fluff-Be-Gone powde: fuzzitus

Currency of the site: neopoints

Cute Guild Neighbourhood: cutecity

Cybunny Battledome Ability: hop


Darkness ability; lets you steal health from foes: drainlife

Delicious chocolate covered strawberry : strochal

Delux neolodge hotels receive this many stars: five

Discount _____: card

Discovered the first manchu bow: zannik

Disease cured by Hot Herbal Drink: bubbles

Donut looking and tasting tropical fruit: donufruit

Don't spare any expense when you dress up your pet: bowtie

Duck that wails like a hyena: mallard


Early loser in Sacrificers; Styrofoam _____: bob

Earth Ability; creates food: greatfeast

Earth Ability; toughens pet, makes 'em hard to hit: toughskin

"Eau De _____" is a popular brand of Perfume: neo

Eighth month of the Neopian calendar: hiding

Electric _____ Monkey; Lodge murderer's 1st victim: blue

Elephante battledome ability (level 15): trumpet

Elephante-be-___; omelette defender weapon: gone

Endless _____: plains

Evil colour thief: thedro

Evil fish: jetsam

Expensive mushroom shop: apothecary

Extra powerful Faeries: uber

Eyrie battledome ability: scratch


Faerie ___; can do incredible explosive damage: acorns

Faerie _____: city

Faerie Clothing _____: ltd

Faerie PetPet; Rhymes with clouds: flouds

Faerie who helped defeat Dr. Sloth: space

Faerie queen's memoir: anewday

Faerieland floats on a _____ above Neopia: cloud

Faerieland, it's up in the _____: clouds

Famous student of the techo master: ryshu

Feeds Neopia's less fortunate pets.: soupfaerie

Fifth victim in the Ski Lodge : cupcake

Filled with sage and onion stuffing. Yuk!: frog

Find all things usuki on this list: spoiler

Find something for one of the Faeires: quest

Fire, Fire, Your _____ On Fire Paintbrush: pants

Fires stream of sticky web at opponent: webclaw

Flame Ability; works well against water creatures: boil

Fleapit Motel; NP per night: ten

For 5 np a day the neolodge will provide one: sauna

Fourth month of the Neopian calendar: eating

Frost Bite _____; features rock hard icy coating: egg

Fruit eaten by young Kougras: juppie


Galactic defender; takes rechargeable batteries: combobot

Gallery of _____: evil

Game; Earth Faerie _____: aces

Game; Kiko _____: match

Game; Techo _____: says

Garden _____; great for getting at pesky weeds: hoe

Garon's other caves: faerie

Gelert Battledome Ability: bark

Gelert second-generation battledome move: flash

Get out of their way in omelette defender: tonu

Gift from the Space Faerie; Space Defence: bandolaro

Given out for High Score: trophy

Glamorous Shopkeeper: glamchia

God of Mystery Island; _____ Pango: pango

Grarrl Battledome Ability: roar

Greater ______ of the Fire Faerie: orb

Grinch Theater says that this returns on May 11th: themummy

Grow ten times in size: supersize

Grundo _____; Spooky food: Stix

Grundo Battledome Ability: blast

Grundo's _____; Pump-Up: gymneighborhood

Guild Neighborhood; Sloth's _____: lair


Half dog, half...erm, something else: warf

Handmade by mystery island artisans: claypot

Has a bandage on its forehead: kiko

Has four ears and wears a bell: aisha

Have your say here: soapbox

Heal while you damage your opponent with this mote: supernova

Hero of the Ice Caves game: garon

Highland chia ___ hammeer; foes will run in fear: war

His picture is hanging in the Ski Lodge Hall: drsloth

Holiday occurring on the 14th Day of Swimming: watergala

Home of The Missing Chia: icecaves

Home of the Wishing Well; Neopian _____: bazaar

Horned pet that got a makeover: acara

Hula dancing blumaroo: hularoo

Hunts Chias; Species: lupe


In the clouds: Faerieland

Island Faerie: jhuidah

Items in your shop: stock

Item that helped Asphodelia the Korbat beat Thuggo: ArcherySet

Its flaming tongue has a reach of over 20ft: lavaghoul


Jelly _____; great for visitors; fits in a shoebox - bed

Jetsam Battledome Ability: splash

Job _____; Ticket to the Employment Agency: coupon

Jubjub Battledome Ability: roll

Juggling AuqaPet: legs

Juppie smuggling Wocky: mulvinn

Just as happy on land as in water: kiko


Kacheek Battledome Ability: roll

Kalora's species: kau

Kau _____: korrall

Kauvara's sister: allita

Keep the sun out of your pet's eyes: strawhat

Keep this stinky snow in the jar: dirtysnow

Kiko _____: lake

Knows a lot of Bedtime stories about Faeries: eppa

Knows where all the shops are: shopwizard

Koala looking faerie petpet: harris

Koi Battledome Ability: dive

Koi Battledome Ability (Level 15) - splash

Kyrii Battledome Ability: growl

Kyrii Battledome Ability (level 10 or higher): tackle


League of Peril is located in this arena: ice

Least expensive RoboPet: diddler

Lenny Battledome Ability: peck

Level 10 JubJub Battledome Ability - scream

Level 10 Kougra Battledome Ability: growl

Light Ability; _____ Blast: psychic

Light Ability; bright beam that helps defeat evil : sunray

Lighting _____; Lightweight: gun

Little _____; young & inexperienced Cheat player: timmy

Lives beneath the Haunted Woods: esophagor

Looks like a frog but spits fire: frogarott

Loves Bedtime Stories about Faeries: kora

Lupe battledome ability(lev 15): lunge


Magic Creature known for extra sharp teeth: lupurus

Magical mote that heals while damaging your foes _____ : Nova

Make someone's day with a Neo_____: greeting

Mallowicious _____: bar

Maraqua's lettuce: kelp

Martial arts video classic; Karate _____: jub

Maximum number of pets you can have: four

Meatless _____: meatballs

Meaty chunks in a sweet sauce; oink: bbqpork

Mega Power _____; will do your pet a world of good: plusshroom

Metallic doughnut treat: mechadonut

Mister _____; critics say he's all washed up: shankly

Mister _____; Has a tiger squash habit: pickles

Moehog Battledome Ability: ram

Most powerful items kept in this tower: hidden

Much grosser than a hot dog: grubwich

Mutated _____; held in ski lodge's underground lab: kacheek

Mynci Number _____ got the least number of votes: two

Mysterious combo snack: bomatoge


Negg known for it's rotten Battledome tricks: evil

Neil ________. Stock market Kau: kauvato

Neodaq _____: index

Neodaq ticker symbol for The Auction Genie: tag

Neopedia claims The Stuff _____ in size each day: doubles

Neopia's Favorite Dice Game; Dice-A-_____: roo

Neopia's only stock exchange: neodaq

Neopia's only TV network is on this channel: one

Neopian _____ is currently 2.8%: inflation

Neopian cultivators have this many prongs: four

Neopian Treasure _____: hunt

Neowaiian ___: bread

Never lose your keys again with this vine - ring

Nigel the chia's sports car is this color: red

Nimmo _____; Video: YOGA

Nimmo Battledome ability: leap

Not a very tasty toadstool: pink

Number of Chairs in the Ski Lodge Library: two

Number of Poogles racing: five

Numbers needed for the Neopian Lottery: six


Official headgear of Wocky Fan Club is this colour: yellow

One a day keeps the doctor away: apple

Owner of The Presidential Palace: pjgrundonn


Paintbrush that turns pet into a blue outline: sketch

Paintbrush; The weathered look: cloud

Pair of these in cupcakes crime scene: glasses

Passport to different lands: totem

Pet can't eat anymore: bloated

Pet on the cover of Don't Call Me Cute: uni

Pet that 'Korralls the Kaus': gelert

Pets love to play with these bells for hours: jingly

Peophin Battledome Ability: trample

PetPet doubles in size by storing food in cheeks: bloopy

PetPet known for brown circle around its right eye: warf

Pities the fool that doesnt visit his shop: mrc

Place to store your trading cards: neodeck

Plant tastes like cabbage: glant

Plastic moustache; Hairy _____: tash

Platinum ___ bow: tech

Players needed for Earth Faerie Aces: two

Poisonous weapon used by thieves and assassins: dart

Poogle Battledome Ability: bite

Pool ball and spot of ink. Spooky!: bloop

Popular Neopian soft drink, Neo_____: cola

Popular video: 'The Thingi From _____': majingi

Potion of the Evil Genie of Darkness: nanka

Prickly bush smells of aniseed, attracts animals: plurby

Proved himself as a true Poogle Racer: moogi

Pumpkin _____; Favourite food of ghouls and demons: slice

Puppy______: blew

Puts its arms around anyone it sees; PetPet : huggy


Quiggle Battledome Ability: stomp


Rare ingredient of Kauvara's potion: arbiter

Rarity of the stone hourglass: artifact

Raw fish: sushi

Rejected carrot: funky

Rescued Chiazilla from sharks: bigbetty

Rookie juppie smuggler: awley

Room where cookie was found murdered: kitchen

Ryshu of the Training School likes these poems: haiku

Ryshu the Nimmo's classmate: sevarin


Sacrificers Contestant; Bye-_____ Jinx: gon

Sacrificer Contestant; fell down waterfall; #_____: six

Safety Deposit _____: box

Scary _____; set free when his box broke: jack

Scary Paintbrush: halloween

Self-appointed ruler of cheat: spectre

Served on a bed of wild rice with chervil: duckpate

Shopkeeper; enter the chia. whaaa!: brucechee

Shoyru Battle ___; keep opponents in their place: hook

Sir _____; if used right his shields serve well : cheekalot

Skeith Battledome Ability: squash

Skeith Battledome Move: glare

Skeith beaten by Korbat in Neopedia: thuggo

Ski Lodge cellar is filled with bottles of this: wine

Ski Lodge contestant; Dom _____: dread

Ski Lodge contestant; reigning gormball champ: scorcheski

Ski Lodge contestant; Neopia's foremost socialite: bubbles

Ski Lodge contestant; the _____ spender: big

Ski Lodge supermodel looking for Mr. Right: Jasmine

Ski Lodger; insane freak or brilliant mastermind?: thor

Ski Lodger; musical genius; Mister Shankly's rival: lazarus

Ski Lodger who learned how to ski from a Uni: MrRoBoto

Ski Lodger who just shot the cover of Fashion Now!: jasmine

Ski Lodger looking to pull off a major heist: Mr Black

Ski odger; exec at neopian stock exchange: maverick

Slick-Haired Stock Broker: nigel

Slogan: For Our Power Is Your Power: nakron

Sloth did experiments in this underground hideout: lair

Social _____; Book: skills

Something has _____!!!: happened

Souped-up Blue Healthshroom : green

Space Arena Battledome League; _____ Match!: meerca

Species of cheat's self-appointed leader: jetsam

Species of pet running The Food Shop: chia

Species of pet runs ye old coffee shoppe: shoyru

Species of pet who discovered Ancient Manchu Bows : kougra

Species of the Missing Link: chia

Spiced ___ pie: apple

Spider with a "why": spyder

Spinach and the fun of Lime: splime

Spooky PetPet; sees the future: psimouse

Stay at the _____ neopian for only 80 np a night: royal

Stock Ticker symbol for ChiaTech Password Security: chps

Stock Ticker symbol of Confederation of Fish Lovers: cofl

Stock Ticker symbol for Stuff-A-Pet Inc.: stfp

Stock Ticker Symbol for The Chia Actor's Guild: tcag

Stock Ticker Symbol for The Powlex Corporation: powl

Stock Ticker symbol for The Shoyru Company: tsrc

Stock Ticker symbol of Neopia's only TV station: ntv

Stock Ticker symbol of Skeith Feeding Ltd.: skei

Stock ticker symbol for super splime shakes: sss

Stone _____; rare item that erodes Stone Snowballs: hourglass

Stone Dome Battledome League; Kacheeks Over _____: all

Stone made from tears of a broken hearted Faerie: soul

Strawnella _____: shake

Stuffed pet toys for your pet to enjoy: plushies

Surprise your enemy with this Air Ability: dive

Swat your opponent with this battle item: swatter

Symbol of The Presidential Palace: tpp

Symptoms include swollen gums; hard to swallow: neogitus


Take your pet camping: tent

Takes three R's to spell this pet: grarrl

Tatsu evolved: eyrie

Tell your story here: campfire

Terror Mountain _____ Lodge: ski

Teenaged Islanders exchange these as gifts: cubtooth

The _____ Neopian; 80 NP a night: royal

The _____ pumpkin patch: haunted

The Big Book of _____: karma

The book Care of _____ shows how to treat this pet: koi

The Crystal Boomerang was found in this Tower: hidden

The cure for this disease is Jelly Pills: neoflu

The Employment Agency put this Elephante to work: Irisita

The food of the gods: asparagus

The Greasy _____; Cockroach Towers' restaurant : spoon

The Ski lodge murderer's fourth victim: cookie

The Snitch of Maraqua: tomsnitch

The ultimate luxury sandwich: supersub

Theme _____: park

These aquatic pets are from Maraqua: koi

These eggs are a delicacy in maraqua: fish

These horses have wings: uni

These migraines can be cured with Magic Goop: achyhead

These pets love to ski!: usul

These rubber gloves will reduce static: ultra

These roses will never die: paper

These sticks include dip sauce that is to die for : cho

These tacos are transparent: crystal

Third Ski Lodge victim: bubbles

This ability's a girl's best friend; Diamond _____: dustz

This angora wrap might keep you from a sore throat: scarf

This arena is home to the Gambler's League: ice

This Aquatic PetPet can stick to any surface: alfy

This Berry will make you powerful for 30 minutes: strong

This Cave acts as a Guild Neighborhood: scary

This creepy Guild neighbourhood is a mouthful: scarycave

This deli treat's delicious plain or in a sandwich: turkey

This disease's cure is Herbal Scrambled Eggs: chickaroo

This Earth Faerie game now has 1 or 2 player mode: aces

This Faerie's game requires two players: earth

This Insect Removal company's stock symbol is BUZZ: buzzaway

This island has three large monuments: tikutaku

This lonely outcast lives in the Haunted Woods: werewolf

This paintbrush turns you pet into nuts and bolts: robot

This pastry has a strawberry filling. yummy! : jam

This penguin dances in the cold snow: bruce

This pet loves to go skiing: usul

This PetPet is part octopus, part fashion designer: cleo

This PetPet is too big for its shell: turdle

This PetPet only comes out at night; _____ Boy: bat

This Quiggle is on a health kick: healthfrog

This robot was a project gone wrong: wheelie

This sandwich has got your tongue: tonguewich

This Ski Lodge contestant is one crazy guy!: MrInsane

This stew is packed with protein: maggot stew

This stone contains a pure drop of evil: night

This wand melts three different kinds of snowballs: flamebolt

This whistle played its last tune: broken

This wine goes great with Red Meats: red

This wine is known for its delicious flavor.: rose

This witch works in the Haunted Woods: edna

Thyora's brother: ponfrie

Ticker symbol for BOOM! Boom Boxes!: boom

Ticker symbol for Jacko and Sons Painting Ltd.: jck

Ticker symbol for Kacheek Telecommunications: kate

Ticker symbol for PD Secure Storage: pdss

Ticker symbol for Powlex Corporation: powl

Ticker symbol for Unis Beauty Salon: unib

Ticker symbol for Yippee!: yipp

Ticker symbol of company that only takes nerkmids: aavl

Ticker symbol of Lou Poogleman's company: TSRC

Ticker symbol of The Presidential Palace: TPP

Tiger Catcher's favorite food is Liver and: onions

Tools for hand-eye coordination - neoblocks

Travel in herds and go Moooo: kau

Trick or Treat paintbrush: Halloween

Trivia Master: lenny

Twenty-nine of these on Nigel the Chia's Cake: candles

Two tone paintbrush: split

Type of government in Faerieland: monarchy

Type of pet running the auctions: scorchio


Uni Battledome Ability: kick

Uni Battledome Ability: slap

Unicorn _____; said to come from unicorn's tear: gem

Unknown Ski Lodge Contestant: snot

Use twice a day for the cleanest Neopet: soap

Use your wit; _____ Contest: caption

Usul Battledome Ability: bite

Usul Battledome Ability: growl


Vegetable given out on St. David's: leek

Vegetarian _____ Tacos have kelp and coral in them: sea

Vet gone bad: drdeath

Video; Karate _____: jub

Video; The Good The Kacheek, and the _____: ugly


Wack a _____: beast

Whack the beasts not the ______ or jubjub: quiggle

War _____; Flame Ability makes pet more aggressive: cry

Water Ability; soaks fire-type opponents: quench

Water arena battledome league, super_____ acaras: strong

Water arena battledome league; water faerie _____: wanderers

Water Faerie turned her tear into a necklace: thyora

Watering _____; Help your seedlings grow: can

Weird, mystical nut; tropical: blairnut

Wellington _____: boots

Wet Battledome Arena; location: water

Where neggs ___; book: grow

Where the unis run: meadows

Who knows what happens when this negg hatches: fish

Wiggle an awful lot for being made of jelly: gummiworms

Wish Stick cut on the year's last full moon: oak

Wishing _____: Well

Wocky Battledome Ability: leap

Worth five points at the Neggery: bluenegg

Worth 2 points at the Neggery: icenegg


Yellow ____ tree; adds colour to any garden: eesa

You can now get chunks of this meat with BBQ sauce: pork

Your pet will wear this sweater with pride: eyrie


Zafara battledome ability level 14: leap

Crossword 2003