The Imperial Millionaire's Club Website
New Improved Million Guide


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Mystery Island Mixing pot Recipies
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Hints and Tricks

Here is the Improved Million Guide. First The Guild Would Like to Review Some Rules.
  • If you find this guide somewhere else contact the council as soon as possible.
  • Please do not copy this Guide. Some Guilds are to lazy to Make their own.


Games are a great way to make money. There are a wide selection of games to choose from, I think there's over 50. The number of plays where you can make money are limited to 3 now. Remember to ONLY play games on your MAIN account, otherwise you risk to be frozen! Kiko Match, Ice-cream Factory and Grundo's Gym are just a few of the many great games available.

The Wheel Of Excitement in Faerieland, The Wheel of Misfortune in the Haunted Woods and The Wheel Of Mediocrity in Tyrannia are a good way to make some money. All wheels have the risk of giving your pet a "bad thing", like your pet getting sick or a loss of some np's etc. Most of the time however, you make your money back, or you make a bit more. Sometimes you can win up to 10,000np on The Wheel Of Excitement (costs 100np), and 1,000 on The Wheel Of Mediocrity (costs 50np). You can also win petpets and other items, or have your pet blessed.

Scratchcard Kiosk: Spending a few hundred neopoints is ALWAYS worth it for the money; it will always make you some NeoPoints. Remember, don't scratch if you don't want to risk it not being a scratchcard that gives you NP, you can buy the card, and place it in your shop for a few hundred np's more. Prices can vary ALOT between different types of scratchcards however.


buying for 600 np's (the cost of all scratchcards) and selling in your shop for 800 np's. 200np profit!

The approx values are shown below!

Race to Riches | 890np
Terror Trove | 900np
Faeries Fortune | 1,400np
Peak O Plenty | 11,895np
Icetravaganza | 94,000

Basically, if you buy a scratchcard and its an Icetravaganza, DO NOT scratch it. Sell it in your shop, and you will make LOADS! You can scratch it if you want, but I wouldn't advise it.

The Fruit Machine and Coltzans Shrine in The Lost Desert and the Tombola on Mystery Island are all good ways to get items and np. Nothing bad can happen, only good things or nothing. You can only use each one once a day, and in your MAIN account ONLY! Most of the time you only get a cheap item, but now and then, you get a good item, like a paintbrush, faerie or codestone. You can even win 1,000,000np on the Shrine, and become an instant millionaire! This is EXTREMELY rare though.

The Snowager in the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain is a great way to get free items (MAIN ACCOUNT ONLY) However, often he wakes up and blasts your pets, which lowers their HP. Your decision.


Your Shop

The shop is the most primary way of making money. They are cheap to set up, and you can easily start off selling low priced items. Use the Shop Wizard to find items that you want to sell in your shop. And also use it if you want to find out what the price of items are. Remember, people won't come to your shop if the prices are expensive, so make sure your prices are at least 1np cheaper than the lowest on the shop wizard. Refreshing the page (F5 or Ctrl+R) is a great idea, because the shop wizard will usually find a cheaper price somewhere.


Say you search for a Fire Faerie, and the lowest price it comes up is 2,800np. If you refresh your page, sometimes 3-4 times, you may find it come up a cheaper price, maybe around 2,000np. Sometimes if you refresh it more, you may find someone selling it for 500np or so! Make sure you try to get this quickly, before someone else does. That goes for any item.

Remember to upgrade your shop once in a while. As you become more familiar, you may want to sell 100s of items at the same time; upgrading your shop gives you more space.


Random Events

Everyone receives a random event now and then, it just depends on how often you log on and how much you do. If you are always accessing different areas of the site, you generally get more. You can't actually control these events, thats why they are called random. There are LOADS of items you can get. Codestones, Faeries, Paintbrushes (even faerie paintbrushes), NP, maps, and much more. These items are generally worth 1000s of neopoints. Once you have them, stock them in your shop at a decent price, unless its an unbuyable, in which case sell it on auction or on the Trading Post.


Trading Post

The Trading Post on Mystery Island is a place where you can trade items for other items or np.

Making NP can be very difficult. It takes more time than shopping via the shopwizard, because the other side has to accept the offer. Most people in the Trading Post know the values of items, so will not go with small offers (if its worth a lot) of just 1000np and some fruit (which I must say most people offer)


Lets say you find a Faerie Paint Brush in a shop for 99,999 np's. You buy it and want to sell it: go to the Trading Post, and create a trade. Make sure you know the ideal value of a Faerie Paint Brush, which can be found out by looking at other trades with the same item. In this case 150,000 - 200,000np is reasonable. What have you made? 50,000 - 100,000np, thats up to double what it cost you in return!



Auctions are another good way to make neopoints. The most important thing is to NOT buy something that is overpriced, it is best to check the shop wizard to see if you can get that item any cheaper.


If you see a Fire Faerie up for auction for about 1000np, this is a VERY GOOD deal. Bid on it, but remember not to go above the lowest price on the shop wizard. Remember that theres 1000s of potential bidders, so the chances of getting an item like this easily is slim. If you have a fast connection like Cable or ADSL, you can usually place a bid about 5 seconds before it closes and get the item!

I find if you sell faeries etc on auction, they go for a bit more. This doesn't happen all the time however.



Quests can be a good a way to make some np, but you need to be very selective which quests you should complete and which not. The best quests to do I find are the Uber Faerie quests, apart from the Earth Faerie ones. Most of the time, the faeries ask for low priced items like lipsticks, and give you something good in return. The Earth Faerie will only feed your pet. If you are on a quest and need an item, remember to visit the Guild Quest Shop!



One of the first and easiest ways to make a few thousand neopoints is to sign up with the many sponsors offered on the NeoPets site. Once signed up and verified, you may get NP, or a rare item, depending on what the offer is. I do not advise this, unless you want your email box flooded with advertising emails. It is best to read the company's privacy policy and/or terms and conditions.Signing up with sponsors helps keep NeoPets free however.



If your pet is hungary, you can goto:

The Giant Omelette: you can use omelettes to feed your hungary pet. DO NOT eat the Tomato Omelettes (any omelette which contains tomato has some value!).

The Soup Kitchen: If you don't have many NP, you can take your pet here and have it fed for free. People with less than 2000NP ONLY!


Items To Buy

After NeoPets made the restock times random, it is hard to make quite the same amount of NP as before. The best shops to go into to buy items are; the Magic Shop; the Pharmacy; the Chocolate Factory and the Food Shop.

Below is a list of items to buy from those 5 shops.

Food Shop
Neggs: Cost between 50-2000NP each, can sell for 1000s of NP

Magic Shop
Faeries: Cost around 850NP each, sell for 2700-3200 NP depending on type.
Magic Vial: Cost about 1400NP, sell for 2400NP
Certain Morphing Potions: Some are unbuyable. The good ones range from 15,000np+ selling price
Faerie Portrait:Cost 600np. Sell for about 5000 NP
Nova: Cost 700np. Sell for about 6500 NP
Supernova: Cost 1150np. Sell for about 9400 NP
Water Mote: Cost 500np. Sell for about 5000 NP
Frost Mote: Cost 900np. Sell for about 1600 NP
Dust Mote: Cost 700np. Sell for about 6500 NP
Mud Mote: Cost 500np. Sell for about 5900 NP
Bubble Mote: Cost 1900np. Sell for about 2300 NP
Rock Mote: Cost 800np. Sell for about 5400 NP

Sporkle Syrup: Cost 2200np. Sell for: Unbuyable
Grumble Be Gone Tablets: Cost 1800np. Sell for about 30000 NP
Honey Blossom Extract: Cost 1800np. Sell for about 29500 NP
Onion Balm: Cost 2200np. Sell for about 12000 NP
Extra Thick Goggles: Cost 2200np. Sell for 11500 NP
Magic Goop: Cost 1500np. Sell for about 86,700 NP
Magic Cookie: Cost 330np. Sell for about 600 NP
Hoochie Coochie Tablets:Cost 250np. Sell for about 1600 NP
Cactopus Cream:Cost 1200np. Sell for about 9,000 NP
Medicinal Mud Bath:Cost 950np. Sell for about 1,500 NP

Toy Shop
All the evil fuzzles, and most of the normal fuzzles are good.
Many of the plushies are good (of the rarer pets, for instance Tonu)

Chocolate Factory
Many of the chocolates sold sell for 1000s!

These prices are only a guide. We do not guarantee they are correct, as prices fluctuate.

REMEMBER, when something new comes out, always try to get as much of it as possible. Many items when they are first released are near unbuyable! Until eventaully, the price drops to just a few 1000NP or less!

If there is anything I have forgot to list, Contact Us



So, lets evaluate! If you were on NeoPets 4 hours a day, gaining a faerie per restock, with 7 restocks an hour, you could gain 20-30 faeries a day. Have another window open playing games that can be paused or are short like Meerca Chase, Sweetarts Hockey, and Cheat!, and just go back to the magic shop every minute and refresh. If you see new items, refresh until you see faeries! In 12 days, you would have between 240 and 360 faeries. Selling between 240 - 360 faeries in 12 days would make you 720,000 - 1,080,000 NP! Add on the 15,000 - 20,000 a day from games, aswell as another 25,000 or so a day from buying other items in the magic shop, and the random items you find around the site, and there you go! Over 1 million NP!

Improved 2003