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Hints and Tricks


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Hints and Tricks

Below is some tips to help you.

OK, Here are some great Hints, Tips, and Tricks that will help you to succeed in Neopets:



1. Try to buy some items from the main shops when they restock. You can buy them very cheap.

Shop Restock Times - 01, 09, 14, 25, 31, 36, 47, 57



2. Visit the snowager whenever it is sleeping to get free items.

6:00-7:00 A.M 2:00-3:00 P.M 10:00- 11:00 P.M


3. The great Balthazar Faerie giveaway takes place around 6:00 am NST on Wednesdays. This is when a whole lot of faeries will appear at the money tree.



4. Sometime between 7:00-7:05 pm NST hundreds of chocolates come up and say that they were donated by the Lupe pack.



5. Here is a list of the faeries and what each one of them does to your pet if you complete a quest for them.

Air Faerie - Upgrades your pets speed
Dark Faerie - Upgrades your pets health
Light Faerie - Upgrades your pets level
Water Faerie - Upgrades your pets defense
Fire Faerie - Upgrades your pets strength
Earth Faerie - Makes your pet fill up with food
Faerie Queen - Updates every area

More great tips coming soon as I find more out. Enjoy!!!

Hints 2003