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Mystery Island Mixing pot Recipies


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Mystery Island Mixing pot Recipies
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Below this contains a list of offerings to offer to the Mystery Island Cooking Pot.


Here are all of the mixing pot recipes.


Apple Onion Rings = Green Apple + Onion Rings
Asparagus = Magic Potion + Sunflower Seeds
Banana Grub = Wriggling Grub + Organic Bananas
Blooky = Anglepuss + Triffin
Bomatoge = Negg + Sausage
Cake Coffee = Coffee + ChocoPie Slice
Cheese Cookies = Vegan Cheese + Neo Crackers
Cherry Neocola = Cherries + Neocola
Chickayo = Chicken + Mud n Mayo
Chicken Roll = Spicy Wings + Hot Cakes
ComboBot = Neotrak + Avabot
Carrotberry Smash = Organic Carrot + Blueberry Snow Puff
Cup of Hot Borovan = Apsaragus + Hot Chocolate
Devilled Negg = Purple Negg + Milk
Ergy Brocolli = ErgyFruit + Brocolli
Flaming Wuzzle = Flaming Torch + Purple Fuzzle
Foobug = Buzzer + Fungree
Froiler = Baby Fireball + Bloop
Frosted Donut = Snowberries + Donut Fruit
Fundus Fruit = Strong Berry + Fungi Fruit
Fungi Pizza = Fungi Fruit + Pizza
Ham and Cheese Sandwich = Grilled Cheese + Ham
Hot Chocolate = Hot Soup + Chocolate Milkshake
Huggy Bear = Cool Purple Teddy Bear + Huggy
Jelly Donut Smoothie = Donutfruit + Large Jelly Smoothie
Meatball Broth = Snowghetti and Meatball + Hot Soup
Mechabread = Mechaberries + Bread
Mechadonut = Mechaberries + Purple Donut
Mechagrapes = Grapes + Mechaberries
Mecha Tiger Jam and Toast = Mechabread + Tigersquash Mega
Moink = Mongmong + Snorkle
Muntando Fruit = Teal Juppie + Kraku Berries
Negg Cream Cookie = Scrambled Rainbow Negg + Chocolate Chip Cookie
Negg Salad = Bread + Strawberry Snow Puff
Negg Stew = Yellow Negg + Blue Negg
Negg Sundae = Pink Negg + Chocolate Ice Cream
Orangetti = Orange Negg + Mummy Spaghetti
Pizapple Surprise = Cheese + Green Apple

Pot Recipies 2003